Thursday, October 15, 2009

The beginning of nausea....

About 30 minutes ago, I had my first major run in with nausea. The past couple nights I've had an upset stomach, but nothing that some tummy rubbing from the hubby couldn't cure. Tonight, after eating a salad, and while watching last week's episode of Greys (thank God for DVR), I had to run to the bathroom. All that ended up happening was a little gagging, but still, I am not looking forward to the days ahead. It seems that my "morning" sickness will happen at night, and that Ranch dressing may no longer be an option...lame.
I made my first appointment with the doctor for Oct 27. It seems that doctors don't even want to see you until you're about 6 weeks pregnant. I guess that makes sense. I guess there are some idiots out there that can't read a pregnancy test and around 6 weeks, they start to realize that, whoops, they aren't really pregnant. I'm so excited for the appointment for the sole reason that it will just confirm what the tests and nausea and sore chest area already tell me. The rest of the appointment is not so thrilling. Seriously, the OBGYN has to be the most uncomfortable place in the whole world. I'm pretty sure that if I were to go to hell, that it would just be a constant visit to the gyno.
I am kind of tired of being so irritable. I'm pretty sure my students think I'm the biggest bitch on the face of the earth. Everything gets on my nerves, and I fly off the handle at the tiniest things. Its getting old, and I just want to be happy again. Something else that I'm worried about is the cramping that I feel in my abdomen. I'm sure its nothing, and I was told today that since there's no spotting with it, I should be fine, but still. Its a little nerve-racking to feel cramping in the area that your baby is growing. One thought that went through my mind was atopic pregnany, but I'm sure its not that. (Fingers crossed, knock on wood, throw the salt over my shoulder).
Mostly right now, I'm still so thrilled at the idea. I told the girls that I coach today and they all ran around the gym screaming with delight. And then said they understood why I was so grumpy lately. lol I love telling people. Babies just make people happy, and when you tell them they get so excited for you. Its just a happy time and I'm stoked to be a part of it.

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