I heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time yesterday. It was the most awe-inspiring, humbling thing I've ever experienced in my lifetime. Seeing my baby on the screen and seeing the spot where the heart is flutter was amazing, but when the tech turned on the sound and I heard that thu-thump-thu-thump, I teared up. Austin grabbed my hand and I heard nothing but that beat. It will be a beat that I forever remember.
The ultrasound itself was rather awkward; it was a vaginal ultrasound. They basically stick this magic wand looking thing inside you and move it around. I had to block that part out so I could concentrate on the amazingness that was happening on the screen. Little Bug is 1.99 cm and its heart beat at 173 beats per minute and looks like a jelly bean. My mom is still certain its a girl, but people tell me that with that quick of a heartbeat, its probably a boy. I also hear that because I haven't been really sick, I am having a boy. My gut feeling tells me "girl," but I honestly do not care. Austin and I were talking about the name Logan for a boy yesterday and I really like it. Yes, he will be named after an X-Man, but we don't have to tell him that. I still love the name Isabella for a girl.
We had to sign a couple consent forms yesterday for certain tests they do while the baby is cooking. One is for cystic fibrosis and the other is for things like Down Syndrome. Normally, I might worry about something like that, but I think everything will be ok. My family and Austin's family have strong genes, so I think they will prevail.
I'm still incredibly tired. Last night I went to bed at 7:30 and didnt wake up until 6:30 this morning. I'm pretty sure I could've slept for another two hours and been ok. Talking makes me tired, which is bad since I"m a teacher and have to talk all day long. Today during my 4th period, I got dizzy and had to sit down and teach from my desk. I also felt kinda queasy all day long today. Maybe my nausea has finally crept up on me and I'll experience the loveliness that is morning/afternoon/evening/all day sickness. I've been pretty lucky so far and have only thrown up once (and that was b/c of the prenatals I was taking.) I get to take Flinestone's chewable vitamins now lol. I'm less stressed since basketball started, which is good. Volleyball just stressed me out since I didn't know the game and wasn't confident in coaching it. Now I know exactly what I'm talking about. I have a pretty good team, too. I have always loved getting out on the court with the girls and challenging them with my "skills" lol, but lately I have to watch what I'm doing. I knocked a senior over in a drill today because neither one of us was watching where we were going, and normally I wouldn't have batted an eye, but now I have to realize that I can't really get bumped like that. And exerting myself like that makes me ultra tired.
So the baby is due around June 12, which is perfect timing for school. I haven't told my boss I won't be there next year, yet. I'm sure she won't care all that much since teachers are replaceable, but I'm still dreading telling her. I just hope I'll be able to get a job once I'm ready to go back. Maybe I'll just start writing books.
Oh yeah, I'm 8 weeks and 3 days, which means I got pregnant 6 days after Austin came home from Iraq. I just thought that was pretty funny.
Welcome to the journey...I'm right there with you. Mike came home on Aug. 24th, and I'm due May 26th...so...looks like we both need to be careful when we play the "see what happens" game. And you are so having a girl. I was so snappy when I was pregnant with Sadie. I'm not this time, so I think I might be having a boy. Check out my blog at www.fellersfamily.blogspot.com. So happy for you both!