I guess since not much is happening in the baby department, I'm getting horrible at updating the blog.
I think we've definitely decided on a name....David Logan Bird. He'll go by Logan, but Austin has gotten into the habit of calling him Davey. I do not agree with such a cutesy nickname, and I tell him to stop everytime he does it lol. His dad is on my side, so I win. :) Little Logan has been moving constantly! It is too cool. It feels like little muscle twitches. In fact, he's moving right now like he knows I'm talking (typing) about him. He is his most active at night right before I go to sleep, so Austin and I will just sit there with our hands on my tummy and feel him dance. Austin has also started talking to him everyday. The first time he talked to my belly I almost cried, it was so sweet. He is going to be such a good daddy. I can't wait to see him h
old his son for the first time!
We finished painting the nursery...it kinda took a really long time. I decided on a green color called Green Trellis. Its a light, almost minty green...Austin's dad called it seafoam, which I guess its pretty close to. I had to choose it because poor Austin is red/green color blind and can't really tell the difference in all the greens I had picked. He was such a good sport and finished painting when I couldn't reach anymore and couldn't stand being around the paint fumes anymore. I was told by countless people that I shouldn't be around them anyway, but I wanted to paint my baby's room. I stopped when I thought it was starting to get to be too much; that was my compromise. We are going to put up the crib this weekend. I'm super excited for that even though I know its going to be a huge ordeal. lol. I'm just ready to get some of his furniture in the room. I'm debating on whether or not I should paint a tree in the room since we are doing a jungle theme. I think it would be cute, but then I'm not sure if I want a big tree in the room lol. Maybe I'll just keep it simple.
My next doctor's appt is next Tuesday. I will be tested for gestational diabetes and have to drink this "yummy" looking drink. Fun times, more blood taken. I'm really wanting another sonogram so I can see my little man again. I wonder how much he weighs now. I know I've gained about 15 pounds. I'm up to a weight that scares me, but then I realize that its just baby weight and will go away. Thank goodness I'm all tummy and nowhere else has expanded. I'm already planning after baby workouts. My goal will be to lose what I gained plus about 5-10 pounds.
I know this is random and has nothing to do with the baby, but I am so in love with my husband lately. I know, I know, I'm being mushy...but really. He has been amazing throughout this pregnancy and just makes me realize how incredibly lucky I am to have him in my life. There aren't a lot of gentlemen out there anymore (as proven by my recent plane ride when a man refused to let me sit in the aisle because he "hated window seats because they were uncomfortable"), so I count my lucky stars every night knowing that I have one of the good ones.
The pictures are of me right now at 28 weeks/7 months and the nursery color. I can't believe there's only three months left in this pregnancy...maybe less!!!