Well, my suspicions were dead wrong, we are having a little boy. Makes me wonder about my mother's intuition. I'm not going to lie, I was a tad bit disappointed, but now that I've thought about it, I'm stoked. I remembered I've always wanted a little boy first, so if we do have a girl next, he can take care of his little sister and beat up any boys that come around. I do want to try to have a girl next, so I can have a little mini-me. If Austin gets one, so do I. Everything was great at the check-up. All of Sprout's (no name yet) parts were in the right places. We saw the heart and all four chambers, we saw the spine, the base of the brain, and the cutest little foot. Actually, its kind of a big foot, so he'll probably take after me and my dad. Thanks Dad. The sonogram tech said everything looked great, so that takes a load off my mind. All his tests came back negative, so so far, we have a pretty healthy baby boy on our hands. The doctor said I'm gaining the right amount of weight, which is about 7-8 lbs as of right now. My baby bump seems to be growing everyday. The kids at school are finally starting to notice, and now all they want to do is touch my stomach. No thank you. One awesome thing about this pregnancy is my boobs!! lol! They are getting so big. I started out at around a 34B/C and I tried on a 36D yesterday and it wasn't too far away from fitting perfectly. I bought a 36C, but I feel the need to go up will be upon me soon. Even though my stomach isn't very big yet, its still hard for me to stand for long periods of time...which kind of doesnt work since I'm a teacher and a coach. Speaking of coaching, I'm ready for the season to be over. We have about 6? more games left. My freshmen are awesome! We are 9-1 in district and 13-4 overall. This is the best record I've had since I started coaching. These girls are great and try so hard...I usually only have about 6 usable players. The intense games wear me out though.
So that's about it for this entry. No more sickness, I can eat whatever I want, things are going pretty great right now. The only thing I'm waiting on is to feel the baby move. I'm starting to become impatient waiting. lol As soon as I get my scanner working, I will put the latest pics of Sprout on here.
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